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Electron Tutorial Beginners Guide by merlot

This is an excellent post from merlot on advice to any drivers who want to know how to use Electron

Preample. You must hit Apply [Return] on each channel after you've made any changes.

Basic Volume


Start with Electron Volume at 50%.

Set your device audio level to medium like 50% as well. (MA to 10:00 on 312)

Set your computer volume low on your sound card mixer e.g. 10%.

Now you can slowly raise your computer volume until you feel the waves.

Once you are safely riding, you can change volume via any of the three ways. (Computer, Device, or Electron)

To change the Electron volume, Always use the Ramp Function so as not to hurt yourself or others.

Basic Frequency --------------

This is the Primary Carrier Frequency (and Primary Feeling).

Some people like high frequencies and some people prefer lower.

I recommend you start with Frequency around 800, then try 400-1200 range.

Volume Ramp


This drives the input to your device. So a stereo stim is likely to be more 'responsive' than a 2b or 312.

I recommend drivers always use the Ramp function to change volume with a change rate of no more than 1.0%/sec.

e.g. Set new Volume to 60, Set Rate to .5 ( This will take (60-50) 10/.5 or 20 seconds to reach new volume)

Set new Volume to 80, Set Rate to .4 ( This will take (80-50) 30/.4 or 75 seconds to reach new volume)

Amplitude Modulation


This modifies the Primary Carrier Wave by making it louder and softer over time. aka tremolo

The A.M. Depth determines how much louder and softer. e.g. If your volume is 50, and your A.M. Depth is 20, the volume will go from 30 to 70% in a wave.

I am actually not sure if this doesn't actually go from

The A.M. Frequency determines the speed of change between high volume to low volume.

1 Hz means one wave per second (one second for change). 2 Hz means two waves per second (.5 seconds for change).

Any Hz. greater than 10 will not likely be felt by the rider.

Less than 1.0 are best. The A.M. Type is the shape of the change curve that moves between loud and soft.

A Sine is the smoothest, while a Square will be like an ON-OFF toggle.

Frequency Modulation


This modifies the Primary Carrier Wave by changing it to a higher or lower tone. aka vibrato

The F.M. Depth (a little misleading) specifies the range of tone. e.g. If Primary Frequency is 880 hz, and F.M. Depth is 30hz, the tone will go from 850hz to 910hz.

The F.M. Frequency specifies the speed of change between low frequency (850) and high (910) frequency.

1 Hz means one wave per second (one second for change). 2 Hz means two waves per second (.5 seconds for change).

Any Hz. greater than 10 will not likely be felt by the rider. The A.M. Type is the shape of the change curve that moves between loud and soft.

A Sine is the smoothest, while a Square will be like an ON-OFF toggle.

=== end ===

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